BBD #38: no knead bread

Bread Baking Day # 38 - No-Knead Festival (last day of submission April 1st, 2011)
Cinzia from Cindystar is the hostess of Bread Baking Day #38. She invites us to a No-Knead Festival means baking the famous No-Knead Bread in any variation.
I honestly never tried this kind of bread so it is new to me. I like the idea of just putting everything together and let it rest for around a day.

300 g wheat flour
1,5 g fresh yeast
120 g water
90 g dark beer (I use Köstritzer)
1/2 tablespoon mild white vinager
6 g salt

Mix together everything in a big bowle and let it enjoy life for a day covered in your kitchen.
The next day fold it to a bread and let it rest again for 2 hours.
Preheat the oven to 250°C and bake the bread for around 25 minutes.

The bread looks like a kind of Ciabatta bread. The first slice of it was really nice.

no knead bread

4 thoughts on “BBD #38: no knead bread

  1. only the first slice was good? :-)))
    I would like to have your ciabatta on my table now, it’s lunch time and we are missing bread 😦
    thanks for participating, recap will be on line in a few hours but will email you then.
    have a nice week!

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